junk your car

Is It Time To Junk Your Car?

If you currently own a junk vehicle, one of the biggest things that you have to decide on if it’s time for you to junk your car or not.

Even though you may have an attachment to your vehicle, the reality is that if your junk car, truck or van isn’t running, or requires you to spend money each month just to keep it on the road, now is the right time to get rid of that vehicle.

How To Know When It’s Time To Junk Your Car

Edmunds car maintenance website pointed out something else that car owners should pay attention to before they sell their car. As the primary driver of that vehicle, you know the problems that you had over and over again with the maintenance of that car. You’ve been on the most long trips with it and you’ve been the one paying the mechanic, so you have the records of all of the mishaps and inconveniences that the vehicle has put you through over a certain period of time. You know how many miles were on the car when you first got it, and how many it accumulated as you drove it. You also know what type of conditions the car has been in, whether the weather where you live is very hot or very cold. Overall, you have the best idea about the amount of wear and tear on that particular car. And that’s the information the junkyard needs to know. It’s better to sell it if it’s run down to the point where is going to keep putting you deeper and deeper into debt trying to fix it.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Still, you have those people who are insane about their cars, and they’ll keep going from mechanic to mechanic hoping that one of them will say “maybe you should sell the car…” Why are they waiting on a mechanic to say that? Because that’s the only voice in their ear that has any deeper interior knowledge about the car other than themselves, along with the fact that they themselves just need to be told to do it, because they can’t summon the courage to let it go alone. But don’t be a fool. You are losing money every time you visit that guy, and chances are he’ll keep “fixing” it every time you pull it into his garage. It’s time for you to make a firm decision to not to continue go broke for that old junk car, and sell it for a good price.

Contact Fred’s Auto Removal

Ready to sell or junk your car? Contact Fred’s Fred’s Auto Removal today by calling us at (503) 810-3061 or click here to connect with us online.


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