Fred’s Auto Removal

Are you planning on selling your junk car for cash but you don’t know if this the right decision for you to make or not? If so, you’ve come to the right place!

In this article, we will provide you with several reasons why you should not think twice about selling your junk car for cash.

Reason #1 – It’s Costing You Money to Keep It on The Road

The first reason to sell your junk car for cash is that it’s costing you money to keep that thing on the road. By this, we mean that it’s costing you more money than the vehicle is worth in maintenance costs to keep that car, truck, or van running.

If you’re spending more than $150 per month to keep your vehicle on the road, it’s time to consider selling your junk car for cash and lease a new vehicle or purchase one outright.

Reason #2 – The Junk Car Is Taking Up Space on Your Property

Another great reason to sell your junk vehicle for cash is that it’s taking up space on your property, either in your garage, driveway, or elsewhere on your land.

Instead of keeping an old vehicle around, as a reminder of your past, you should consider getting rid of the vehicle now by selling it for cash so that you can get paid for what it’s worth rather than continuing to hold on to that vehicle for another six months, 1 year, or longer.

Reason #3 – You’re Embarrassed Driving It

Yes, there are several great reasons to consider selling a vehicle for cash but by far one of the best reasons that you should think about is if you are embarrassed to drive your vehicle to work or a public place.

Your vehicle should be an extension of who you are so if you’re embarrassed driving it, or to be seen riding in it, this a good sign that you should consider getting rid of that vehicle while you still can rather than continuing to hold on to something that you don’t want to be connected to.

Contact Fred’s Auto Removal

Did you know that your vehicle is worth more than $100? The reason why is because your car or truck has parts on it that are worth money to collectors. Don’t settle for second-best and sell your vehicle for less than what it’s worth, contact Fred’s Auto Removal today for a free quote by calling us at (503) 810-3061 or click here to connect with us online.

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