Fred’s Auto Removal

Are you planning on recycling your used vehicle but are wondering when is the best time of year to do it?

The best time of year to recycle a vehicle is fall because during this time of year most people will search for extra cash to cover holiday expenses and you can easily get your older model used car, truck, van or RV off your hands and have the cash that you need just in time for the holidays.

We Serve All of Oregon

Are you ready to recycle your used vehicle but you’re not sure if we will come to your area or not? At Fred’s Auto Removal you can count on us to cover all of Oregon and Washington so it doesn’t matter where your vehicle is located, contact us today to get a quote and schedule pickup.

We Pick Up on Weekends Too! Call Us

Not sure if you should wait until Monday or after a holiday to recycle your old car? At Fred’s Auto Removal you can have confidence that we’re going to be available to pick up that old vehicle regardless if it’s at not or on the weekend.

We know that life can sometimes get in the way of doing the things that you want, that’s why you can count on us to be available to help you when you need us.

Don’t Settle for Second Best, Choose Fred’s Auto Removal Today!

Have you bought something in the past only to pay more for it than you were originally quoted?

At Fred’s Auto Removal we treat all customers fairly and can guarantee that the price that you’re quoted on the phone will be the price that we pay you for your vehicle!

Your older model vehicle is worth money even though another company may have quoted you $200 or less for it in the past.

When you choose us to pick up your vehicle you can count on Fred’s Auto Removal to pay you an excellent price for your used car, truck or van so that you can walk away from the transaction and have confidence in referring us to your friends or possibly using our company again in the future.

Call Fred’s Auto Removal today at 503-810-3061 or click here to connect with us online!


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