Tag: portland oregon junk cars
Should you junk your old car before taking a road trip?
Are you thinking about taking a road trip but you’re not sure if you should recycle your junk car before taking your road trip? You’re not alone! Although you may still love your “baby”, the reality is that if you’re spending money on your junk car every month just to keep it running you may…
Does Your Junk Car Have You “Strapped for Cash”? Sell It to Fred’s Auto Removal
Did you check your bank account recently and are feeling “strapped for cash” due to another repair that you had to make to your junk car? If so, stop spending hundreds of dollars every few months just to keep that vehicle on the road, sell it to Fred’s Auto Removal today! Why Sell Your Used…
Should You Sell Your Junk Car In 2019?
Do you currently own a Portland Oregon junk car? If you’re not familiar with what this type of vehicle is, it’s car that maybe is still on the road and you’re spending more money than what it’s worth to keep it drivable or it’s sitting at home on your property and you’ve not had the…