Should You Trade in Your Car or Recycle It?
By Fred’s Auto Removal PORTLAND, Ore. – One of the top questions that every driver will have at some point is if they should trade in their car or recycle it. This is an excellent question to ask because trading in a vehicle is very simple to do because it’s easy to think that the […]
Can You Junk An Unregistered Car? Click Here To Learn More
Are you planning on junking an unregistered car, truck or van? If so, this is by far one of the most difficult positions that many people have to face because they still continue to have an emotional attachment to their vehicles but the reality is that if it’s not running, or the vehicle is not […]
What should you do before junking your car?
Are you planning on junking your car? If so, you’ve come to the right place! At Fred’s Auto Removal we’ve junked many cars over the years from owners in Portland Oregon and the surrounding areas. Although many people think that junking a car is as simple as calling a company like ours, or a wrecking […]
Is It Time for You To Junk Your Car?
Is it time for you to junk your car? This may be a question that you’ve been asking yourself for weeks or months now as you put more money to keep your car running, and it’s a good question to ask. Every car owner should look at the cost versus benefit of keeping a junk […]